Thursday, September 30, 2010

Facebook: random

I don’t drink Coffee( Dark/filter/ machine-made whatever), have barely watched any of the great films of Kieslowski, Tarkovsky,Bertolucci and inspite of my best efforts haven’t been able to add any value to any of the discussions regarding the tomes of Derrida/ Kafka/ Hosseini/ Murakami etc. I can’t take a decent photograph to save my ass/ balls and don’t even have a proper Nikon D5000 with Sigma and such-alike Bazooka shaped lenses.

In short, I am not exactly someone who qualifies as the “Cool Intellectual Thinking Man”.

Did I miss laid-back and tremendously successful and with a dark sardonic sense of humor?

Hell! Bollocks!

Am I still allowed to be in Facebook ?


Gee said...

hmnnnn...'in' or 'on' FB?

Milo Minderbinder said...

Jaanchey naah toh!

Swapnil said...

Good one! But you have "dark sardonic sense of humour". Now go and join FB :)